View from Nowhere. Random thoughts, short stories, a manifold jumble about different topics.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


The culture of the majority is not impartial, it only claims to be impartial. In the reality, it imposes its own form of life to minorities, if they want to access to the political debate, at the price of their own identity. And when an idea starts to be shared by a majority, immediately takes this habit, and suddenly thinking differently means to be outsiders, not enough intelligent, or not enough literate.  It is happening what John Stuart Mill predicted in “On Liberty”. The liberal democratic political view, wanting to consider everyone the same regardless of the differences, it activates a blindness to the same public that, instead of recognizing the presence of difference, claims to do not pay attention to it. This behavior produces an abstract equality,that actually disregards the rights of individuals.
In other words, it is the human being that is not able to really have different opinion without blaming the other, or it is only a defect of the democracy?


  1. I think it's a defect of the human being..
