View from Nowhere. Random thoughts, short stories, a manifold jumble about different topics.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Economic though

There is no sign the economic crisis is leaving Europe. 

Oh, I know what the economists and politicians say. In 1 year, 2 years, 3 years we'll be back to normal (the length of the period needed to recover always depend on how far the elections are!), but they seem to do not see what's going on in the streets, in the daily life.
 They often do not even know how much costs 1 liter of milk! Yesterday I went for grocery shopping, and I noticed another increases of 2 cents on a product. It is not a huge increase, but in the last year this product increases of 1/2 cents every two months. It is not a good sign.

I do not think it would be possible to be back to normal, to what was considered normal in the past. 
Honestly, for me this is not a bad news. This unbelievable, worldwide economic crisis changed for ever our paradigm of what is wealth, what is a good income, what is a good job, even.

It was about time that we change our economic paradigm. We have been relying in credit: spending money that we did not have, upon the hope that we'll earn them in the future. 
Now, we cannot bet on it. We do not know if we will earn any kind of money in the future. So, we have to stop spending what we do not have. 

And it is not a bad news, after all.

It is changing to what is was before, way before, when there were no credit card, no loan, no possibility of owing to someone for the rest of your life. 

In a way, it is a new opportunity to be free, to do not have our life controlled by someone else. 

I think we should take the chance.

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